Class 1 - Introduction to Golf
Class 2 - Before the Swing
Class 3 - Follow Through Matters
Class 4 - Basic Lower Body Patterns
Class 6 - Basic Lead Arm & Wrist Patterns
Downswing Pattern & Drill 2
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Backswing Pattern & Drill 2

Class 6 - Basic Lead Arm & Wrist Patterns
Nick Clearwater
Head of Instruction at GOLFTEC

This lesson provides detailed instructions on the proper movement of the lead arm and wrist during the backswing. It uses a top player as an example to illustrate how slight wrist adjustments and maintaining arm position can significantly impact the golf swing. Practical exercises are offered to help golfers practice and perfect these movements.

Key Takeaways:

Wrist Flexion and Extension:

  • At address, the wrist should be slightly extended (cupped).
  • Throughout the backswing, keep the wrist position relatively unchanged, maintaining a flat or slightly flexed wrist to avoid opening the clubface too much.

Wrist Cocking:

  • As the backswing progresses, begin to cock the wrist to create a 90-degree angle between the forearm and the shaft when the lead arm is parallel to the ground.
  • Proper wrist cocking helps generate power and control in the swing.

Arm Position:

  • Keep the lead arm relatively straight throughout the backswing.
  • Maintain tension between the forearm and bicep to ensure the arm remains straight.
  • Using the trail arm to support the lead arm can help achieve the desired straightness.

Practice Techniques:

  • Focus on individual elements: start with wrist flexion/extension, then move to wrist cocking, and finally ensure the lead arm remains straight.
  • Use a swing capture app to record and analyze your swing from different angles.
  • Practice with deliberate, slow swings to internalize the correct movements before progressing to full swings.

By mastering these wrist and arm movements, golfers can improve their backswing mechanics, leading to better shot accuracy and consistency. The next video will focus on the movements of the lead arm and wrist during the downswing.


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