Drill Library

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Swing Mechanics
Impact Position
Aim the Face Right to Push the Ball
To solve hitting problems like pulls and slices, understand the ball's behavior. Pulls and slices happen when the clubface is aimed left at impact, and the swing path also moves left, causing the ball to slice.
August 2, 2024
Swing Mechanics
Short Game
Arc Width for Trajectory Control
To improve your short game, mastering both low and high-trajectory shots around the greens is essential. For a low shot, extend the butt of the club away from your body in the follow-through to keep the loft down, resulting in a lower launch and more roll.
August 2, 2024
Swing Mechanics
Backswing Hand Path to Increase Distance
Do you want to hit the ball farther? You've come to the right place. A common misconception in golf is that raising your hands as high as possible in the backswing will increase distance.
August 2, 2024
Slice Fix
Swing Mechanics
Backswing Hand Path to Stop Slicing
If you're struggling with slicing, adjusting your hand path during the backswing can make a significant difference. A common issue among amateur golfers is not moving their hands inward enough, leading to an over-the-top swing and slices.
August 2, 2024
Swing Mechanics
Impact Position
Backswing Shoulder Tilt Drill to Improve Contact
A common issue observed in many students is insufficient leftward tilt and leveling of the shoulders during the backswing. This often leads to rolling the clubhead behind the body, causing poor club path, contact, and distance.
August 2, 2024
Swing Mechanics
Short Game
Backswing Wrist Bends for Chips and Pitches
Discusses the importance of maintaining proper wrist position during the backswing for short game shots. A common issue arises when players flex their lead wrist too much, causing the club to de-loft and create excessive shaft lean.
August 2, 2024
Swing Mechanics
Slice Fix
No Turn to Stop Slicing
This drill focuses on addressing the common problem of slicing in golf, often caused by an incorrect start to the downswing. Many golfers mistakenly open their turns too quickly to generate power, leading to an out-to-in club path and slicing.
August 2, 2024
Putting Address Basics
This drill highlights the importance of proper alignment in putting. To improve putting accuracy, golfers should ensure that they aim the putter, feet, shoulders, and forearms straight.
August 2, 2024
Putting and What Distances to Practice
In this video, the focus is on effective putting practice for golfers. Many players are unsure what to practice and often spend unproductive time on the putting green. The video highlights key areas to focus on, based on PGA Tour data.
August 2, 2024
Tips & Tricks
Simple Drill to Hit More Centered Shots
If you're experiencing a loss of distance or inconsistent shot patterns, the issue may lie in the centerness of your contact. Shots hit off-center, whether on the heel or toe of the driver, can result in reduced ball speed and unpredictable ball flight.
August 2, 2024
Swing Mechanics
Tips & Tricks
Stop the Shanks
If you're struggling with shanks, this drill can help you identify and fix the problem, whether you're shanking from the toe or the heel of the club. Start by placing two tees slightly wider than the width of your clubhead and swing without a ball, aiming to avoid both tees.
August 2, 2024
Tips & Tricks
Tee Height for Accuracy
If you're struggling to find fairways with your driver, try this tip. Many golfers tee the ball too high, which can lead to distance but compromise accuracy. For better control and more consistent fairway hits, tee the ball slightly lowerβ€”about three-quarters of the ball below the top of the club's crown.
August 2, 2024
Swing Mechanics
Impact Position
Tees Under the Arms Drill to Improve Contact
A common mistake among golfers is raising their arms too high during the backswing, mistakenly believing it will increase distance. However, this actually reduces power and makes consistent contact difficult.
August 2, 2024
Short Game
Trail Hand Only Chipping Drill
This drill addresses common issues faced when chipping or pitching near the green, such as hitting the ground before the ball or thinning the shot. These problems often result from leaning the club handle too far forward, causing the trail wrist to extend and reducing the club's bounce.
August 2, 2024
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